T & D Driving Academy tdlr#: C0207
38 Years Serving Hunt County and Surrounding Areas
2610 Poplar Street, Suite D | Greenville, TX 75402
(903) 454-4544; (903) 413-0378
Texas 3rd Party Road Test
Hablamos Español
We administer the Texas Road Test for the Department of Public Safety. If you are needing to take a road test, give us a call to schedule a morning appointment through the week, or we can sometimes accommodate applicants who need to make afternoon appointments. In order for us to administer a road test, every applicant must have the proper paperwork when they arrive at the school to be processed:
1) a valid permit without holds or passed expiration*;
2) your "Drivers License Only" portion of the DE-964 (for teens under 18 yo) or a copy of your ADE-1317 (for adults 18 to 24 only) issued by the TDLR approved Drivers Education Program you completed; and
3) Your valid Impact Texas Teen (under 18 yo) or Young Adult (18 and over) Certificate of completion, signed by the student and parent/driving instructor (Texas Teen) or student (Young Adult18+).
*Drivers must present their Permit and hold it for at least six months (teen driver) or be an adult 18 or over to take the drivers test with a valid picture ID permit (receipts from DPS will not work). Use of one of our vehicles for the test is included in the price.
^See link below to register and complete the free Texas Impact Program.
Note: All non student teen and adult testers are recommended to take a trial Skills Test prior to the DL-40 road test for their Class C Driver License.
Tony Ramey 3rd Party Tester Upgrades through
TxT Now!!!
See just below to get in on the EASY UPGRADE through Texas by Texas.
Getting appointments at the DPS office can be frustrating and time consuming. If you wish to have your packet uploaded and processed for the TxT submission, which is quick and easy online, just click the order button and we'll get you started.*
Next, Get your TxT App!!!
*Only your individual 3rd Party Tester can execute the portal uploads, not a school representative or any other 3rd Party Tester besides your own.